Sunday, May 25, 2008

When My Soul Mate Passed Away

ImageA letter has been sent to my inbox from a kindhearted father, informing that his two beloved sons have recently passed away.. Therefore I’m writing this letter which is dedicated to him and to all parents who have experienced the same thing; being left by their beloved children for good… A Generous Praise To The Gentle Sun that will always shine brightly without being set nor vague, Pour the great Shalawat and Greeting towards Prophet and The Only Imam of all of us, Sayyidina Muhammad s.a.w who leads all human beings on the Judgment Day afterwards, Praise be to Allah, The Holiest King Who Creates The Kingdom of the Earth with all its beauty and glory,

O’ Allah, the Holy Lord Who Cover the Whole Earth and its whole contents and its miracles, spreading all things, stones, animals, plants, while each of those creatures being created by Him from trillions of cells and molecules in which each of the cells works hard like workers who never feel tired of their tasks, billions of cells become the structure of eyes, billions of cells become the structure of ears, billions of cells record vision, sense of hearing, hair growth, body growth and other tasks,

Allah, The Holiest, Who Created Adam a.s from a bunch of mud… Hence He built Adam’s body with all the perfection as the most perfect machine on Earth, The Almighty God The Holiest Allah Who Has The Power to Blow Spirit to the body of Adam a.s, and then He s.w.t Keeps billion of human cells the citizens of the Earth inside Sulbi (loins of) Adam a.s.. Afterwards each of the whole cells waits for The Rule of The Greatest King to move from sulbi to sulbi.. each of them lives and waits for the time and the decision of The Owner of Life, The Holiest Allah, The Most Alive and The Only God Who Creates Life and Lends it to His creatures on Earth, No living creatures on this earth lives with its own willingness, they live without being preceded by their willingness to live, … they live because it has been preceded by the willingness of The Supreme Being Who Owns Life,.. Hence those living trillions of cells are separated..., some already die before reaching the life in the womb, because of onanism, wet dreaming or other reasons, while some of them have to wait for the decision in front of The Gate of Womb, in fact there is only one cell being allowed to live in the Nature of Womb, hence the billions of living cells obey and follow the Willingness of their Creator, to die in the Ocean of His verdict. This episode happens each second on Earth..., hence live the One and Only Cell in the Nature of Womb under the Guidance of His Perfection, and the cell is grown by Him to become a bunch of blood, and then He grows it to become a lump of flesh, then He will grow it to become parts of a perfect body… This baby lives under the Only Guidance of His Love, The Most Perfect Lord even before the baby is being touched or known by its mother, He is The Only God Who Takes Cares and Cherishes Us before our father and mother recognize us, He is also The Only Guardian Who takes care of us since our cells were still occupied inside the body of Adam a.s,

After the process of His perfect Creation, then He entrusted some of His Love to a father and a mother, He fulfilled both of their hearts with love… Hence the Baby passed the test to start their duty on the Earth, with millions of other babies that He didn’t want to step on His Earth, enough for them until the nature of a womb and then return to The Light of His Verdicts. Then the composition of these billion cells live harmoniously amongst father, mother and children.., the father must be responsible with the mandate entrusted by Him, so must the mother, and the child must also be responsible for the live given by his parents. They are given permission by Him to live on His Earth, eat and drink from all His creatures, to have fun enjoying the beauty of His Creations, and take benefit from anything belongs to Him, He creates the Sun to be the light and He makes the Earth spinning in order to create days and nights to make human being never feel bored and tired of living their life and to make them understand how to count years and moment in time,

He grows plants from the surface of the Earth in millions of types.., some become fruits with many flavors and tastes, vegetables, shady trees and beautiful flowers, breeding animals, insects, birds as foods, house materials, or as entertainers, and many more benefits for the offspring of Adam a.s who live on His Earth, and none of those live and is born on earth because of their own willingness, some of them He give permission to live only for a moment, then move to the world of between death and resurrection (barzakh), while some others have permission from Him to live on His Earth for a day, a month, a year, or even a hundred years,.. each lives on earth and compete with each other to reach Barzakh, while those left behind them will have the feeling of great lost and sad, there the Earth Recorded its historical memories each second since the arrival of Adam a.s on earth until the Judgment Day. Separation has been created ever since all those trillion cells gathered inside sulbi of Adam a.s, there was the first group which left their brothers’ cells to live inside the world of womb of Siti Hawa, then the billion cells from this first group waited on the Gate of Hawa’s Womb, in fact only two of them were considered to live in it, while the rests died under His Great Predestination, became the first ones in the world of barzakh... then left the second group, billion of these cells also left sulbi of Adam a.s for the Womb of Siti Hawa, while only two cells were allowed to live there, then the separation again occurred, there and again and again on each second the separation occurs in the world of sulbi, in the world of womb, on earth, in the world of Barzakh and on the Judgment Day.. they will always compete with one another to arrive first.

There is no life without death, there is no gathering without farewell, and all that come from soil will be back to soil.., no matter how big or how luxurious a building or a house is.., it will certainly suffer from damage, there is no difference between the rich or the poor, a manager or a slave, old or young, men or women, a respected personality or a brutal criminal, all will be the same, return to the soil as corpses and become foodstuff for living creatures on the bottom of the earth, this all is the Sign That He Is The Only One, having power over The Eternity and Life..,

O’ my kind brother, no need to be sad… You will follow your two sons sooner or later, but sure....Both of your sons will not go anywhere, only move their rooms divided only by one door that will certainly open on its own time later. Be thankful and grateful for this blessing, both of your sons now are playing happily under the gentleness of The One, they are not sad being separated by their parents, believe me… They are in joy.., happiness..,

One day a husband and his wife came to Prophet s.a.w telling about their daughter’s death, if their daughter could live again, they would convert to Islam, then Prophet s.a.w asked them to show him where their little girl was buried, then Prophet s.a.w called the little girl, "O’ Ms. So and So, get up in the name of Allah..", hence the little girl got up from her grave, then Prophet s.a.w asked her: "Do you want to return to your parents or going back to your grave?", the girl replied: "I want to go back to the grave (life after death)..!", Prophet s.a.w answered: "it is your father and mother who asked me to call you back into existence, they couldn’t stand living without you, they will give all their love to you..??", then the girl answered: "I have found the most gentle love and much more beautiful than my parents’ love, making me forget about their love, I want to return to my God, The Most Gentle God”. Hence Prophet s.a.w gave permission to the girl to return to death, return to Allah..., The Ocean of Love The One and Only, Who Creates Love and Longing, and then spread it inside the soul of trillions of Adam a.s’ descendants.

Prophet s.a.w explained, that on the Judgment Day, when we have to hold responsible for each of the letter we said, when everyone must be responsible for their own breath and each dust they step on, hence they must face the last selection... the first selection is the selection to enter the womb, the 2nd selection is when entering the world, the 3rd selection is when entering the world of between death and resurrection (barzakh), and the last selection is the The Great Court of Justice to divide those who go to heaven and hell. Allah commanded: "THE DAY WHEN THOSE SINNERS WISHING TO BE SAVED FROM TORMENTS OF HELL WANTED SWAP OVER THAT TORMENTS WITH THEIR CHILDREN, AND THEIR HUSBAND OR WIFE, AND THEIR GROUP WHOSE (in fact during their life) ALWAYS HELPED THEM, OR SWAP OVER WITH THE WHOLE CITIZEN OF THE WORLD IN ORDER TO BE FREE AND SAVED, CERTAINLY NOT..!, (They could never be allowed to swap over) TRULY THE TORMENTS OF HELL SOON WILL BE FLARING UP AND THUNDERING, (massive fire) WHICH WILL SEPARATE AND SCATTER RIBS AND JOINTS, CALLING THE NAMES OF THOSE WHO TURN THEMSELVES AWAY (from Allah’s commands) AND REFUSE.......". (QS Al Ma'arij 12-17). And in that moment in time, the group of children play at The Gate of Heaven, and they don’t want to enter heaven before both of their parents being released by Allah s.w.t, and Allah s.w.t ordered those children to call their parents’ name to enter His heaven soon the Palace of Eternity, the Palace of Eternal Luxury...

O’ my brother, My beloved son also passed away in the age of two years old, he got drown and was found floating already in a pool without life, while I was in dakwah duty outside town, I remembered the last time I saw his little hand waving excitedly after I gave him an ice cream so that he would let me go, I left him longing, because I was having dakwah duty of Prophet s.a.w. When I came back, I found him lying frozen at full length without soul, and a few days later I dreamt about him playing in a beautiful park together with my late father, I was bursting into tears. Remembering when my name might be called by the Hell’s Fire to expiate sins... at that time my beloved son would call my name and I would be saved, escaping from the Hell’s hunt, hugging my beloved Son and carrying him towards The Heaven of Eternity.. when I remember this, I am thankful to my son’s death..

In the Name of Allah Who has made your two sons passed away, both of your sons will run to you calling you and their mother.. you will hug them and they will call out happily, welcoming you and your wife.. and holding your hand and your wife’s hand and walking towards the Palace of Eternity.. this occasion is so precious even when we just dream about it.. But this occasion will surely come because it is a Promise from The One Who Give and Take Life.. Allah The Holiest.. My grateful Bow towards You...




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