Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Silent Prayer In The Dark

ImageWhen my heart was impure and drown in the darkness of difficulties and depressions, my heart cried from bearing the pain of problems that keep on hitting me like a heavy rain, I tried to avoid it and saved myself, but those problems kept on striking me over and over again until I collapsed helplessly, my five senses became dark and numb, my eyes wide opened but the whole views turned out to be a horrible pitch-black swathe, my ears listened to voices but suddenly I felt like they were blocked with total deafness, my thoughts were paralyzed, both palms of my hands and my fingers were shaking, and my heart felt like burning heavily by the rumbling magma of anxiety...

What can I do.., I don’t know, all the ways out that I took are now tightly closed.., nobody cares about my cries and heaps of problems I have, as if I lived alone in this world.. I fell and dumped down, all of sudden I heard a soft voice from my God’s command.. “WA NAADAA FIDHULUMAAT.. AN LAA ILAAHA ILLA ANTA.., SUBHANAKA INNIY KUNTU MINADDHAALIMIIN.., FASTAJABNAA LAHU WANAJJAYNAAHU MINAL GHAMMI WAKADZAALIKA NUNJIYYIL MU’MININ..” I startled.. ah.. The Story of Yunus a.s.., when Allah s.w.t told the story clearly, “AND HE (Yunus) CALL (ME) IN THE DARK.. THAT THERE IS NO GOD BUT YOU, YOU ARE THE HOLIEST.. INDEED I AM INCLUDED IN THE GROUP OF DHALIM (TYRANT) PEOPLE.., THEN WE ANSWERED HIS PRAYERS, AND WE SAVE HIM FROM DEPRESSION AND PROBLEMS AND SO DO WE SAVE FAITHFUL PEOPLE” (Al Anbiya 87).

How depressing and is there any depression and confusion more than what have struck Nabiyallah Yunus a.s at that time, being swollen by a giant fish and live crawling hopelessly inside the stomach of that beast.. how rotten.. how dark.. how depressing and hopelessly lost Yunus a.s at that time, being swollen by a gigantic fish and being taken to down to the deep of the ocean..

It is impossible for him to call anybody, nor could he do anything.. but this story is being told again by Him as if He summoned: I am the One and Only King the Almighty of The Darkness of The Ocean, I am the One Who Accompanied him in his loneliness, I am the Only God Who Listened to his cries which being drawn in the darkness of The Ocean, Is there anybody else but Me who listened to his cry. In times like this, indeed there is nobody and nothing else to count on but Him, hence He told the story beautifully: “Then he Called Me in the darkness..”, the darkness inside the fish’ stomach, the darkness of the feeling, the darkness of the most depressing problem.. he kept on calling My name in the dark.. There is no God But You, You are The Holiest, indeed I am included in the tyrant people.., There is no safety from His Tortures but with the Words of Tauhid, as mentioned in Hadits Qudsiy: “Laa ilaaha illallah is My Fortress, whoever pronounces it then he is included in My Fortress, and whoever coming inside My fortress will be saved from My tortures”.

Hence Yunus a.s started his prayer, calling The Only King the Almighty of The Darkness of The Ocean and The One Who Accompanies him in loneliness, The God Almighty Who Creates Brightness and Darkness in the Kingdom of The World, he started his prayer with, “Laa ilaaha illan anta” There is No God but You.. Then Yunus continued his prayer with worshipping the Holiness of Allah…performed tasbih towards Allah.. He is The One to Whom Nothing could obstruct His Vision, The Holiest King who is always being sacred forever by the whole World.., and He also commanded: “IF NOT BECAUSE HE WAS (Yunus) THE MAN WHO LIKES TO PERFORM TASBIH WORSHIPPING THE HOLINESS OF ALLAH, THEN CERTAINLY HE WOULD STILL STAY INSIDE THE STOMACH OF THAT FISH UNTIL THE JUDGEMENT DAY”.

Then Yunus continued his prayer with the sentence SUBHANAKA You are the Holiest... Inniy kuntu minaddhaalimiin.. indeed I am included the group of tyrant people.. (Yunus a.s was angry and left his followers before getting permission from Allah). He ran for help, he admitted his wrongdoing, and wishing anxiously that The One and Only Safe Guarder would forgive him, therefore He Allah continued His command, HENCE WE ACCEPT HIS CALLS, AND WE SAVE HIM FROM TROUBLE.. Ah, how unnecessary all of my catastrophes are compared with a man being swollen by a gigantic animal and being dragged down deep in the Bottom of the Ocean.. there is a hope in my heart... it means that I must pronounce a lot of Tauhid words, Tasbih and admit my mistakes towards Him, Indeed He will help me from all these problems.. Suddenly my heart starts to whine again.. ah.. impossible.. that is only for Prophet Yunus.., who am I that makes Allah would help me? This is only for Yunus a.s, Prophet of Allah, suddenly I remember the end of that verse.. WA KADZALIKA NUNJIYYIL MU’MINIIIN, and so do we save the faithful people.

You Are The Holiest O’ The One Who Reveal the darkness of the night and make it shine brightly, thousands of depressing and gloomy hearts have been opened by You, their sadness disappear with their prayers being granted, making those dark and depressing hearts shine brightly with happiness with The Sun of Your Serene Highness.. You keep the secret of Your Gentleness in this short verse.., that You Are The One Who is Always Ready to extend the helping hand with the predestinate fingers of gentleness that will cut off the chains of Your predestination that strangle and burn out this heart with our Silent Prayers, as mentioned in Hadits of Your Prophet s.a.w, “Nobody Could Reject His predestination, but with Prayer”. Only prayer and cries for help on the Door of Your Glory that would get rid of all this problem..

Therefore I perform munajat (silent prayer) just like Munajat of my Prophet Muhammad s.a.w: O’ Allah, For the sake of people who perform silent prayer asking for Your help, For the sake of people who are full of spirit moving towards Your blessing, and also for the sake of the prayer by Yunus a.s and all the owner of noble hearts who stepped into Your World from time to time, For the sake of millions of those palm of hands that have been raised to perform silent prayer towards You, For the sake of the Prayer by Yunus a.s when he was inside the stomach of the gigantic animal in the bottom of the Ocean.. In which because of his prayer You have opened the Secret of Your Help, and for the sake of the Firmness of Ibrahim a.s who made the fire of Namrud become cold and conquered.. and For the sake of Silent Prayer by Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, that is the Most Glorious Silent Prayer from all silent prayers of Your Servants in the Kingdom of the World, kindly release Me from all the problems.., release me from the bottom of oceans of trouble that makes me drown and blinded, that makes me being swollen by sins and make me crawl in the stomach of sins filled with the stinky corpses of humiliation, I am paralyzed and far from hopes, I am the servant who crawls inside the stomach of sins…being drawn to the bottom of Ocean of difficulties, calling Your Noble Name.. keep on calling the only gate of hope for the sinners.. save me from all problems,.

There is No God But You.. I will never worship anything else but You.. will never bow down to anything else but You.. my servitude is only for You.. will never choose God other than You.. even if there is another God in front of me preparing all the eternal luxury and gracefulness.. indeed I will reject and throw away all his gifts, I will turn away and run towards You.. Towards my God The Only God, Still You Are My Only God.. only You Rabbiy.. only You are my Choice.. only You.. You Are The Holiest with all the holiness.. Therefore kindly throw away all these difficulties just like a Mother wipes a dirty stain from the face of her baby.. Rabbiy.. Rabbiy.. truthfully I have made sins.. beyond doubt I have denied Your commands… but where can I go to save myself if not running towards You! For the sake of the Nobility of Muhammad s.a.w.. For the sake of Silent Prayer of Muhammad s.a.w.. For the Beauty of Muhammad s.a.w.. For the Charisma of Muhammad s.a.w.. For the Miracles of Muhammad s.a.w.. For Syafa’at (Mediation of the Prophet with God) of Muhammad s.a.w.. In which all of them reflect Your Beauty and Your Perfection Rabbiy, Hence Your Are The Holiest and all Praise towards You, God of The Whole World..



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